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  1. yahtzee

    Truck Cab 90 88?

    Im in the process of turning my 2a into a truck cab, why I ask you say? Well number one and foremost, the heat should be retained better in a smaller space, after the winter we have just had and some of us are still having im not looking forward to the next one! Number two, I carry alot of odd...
  2. willidood

    Leprosy (of the paintwork)

    Hi all. I'm no doctor, but I've diagnosed my 90 as having Leprosy. The clearcote on the roof is peeling like sunburn. It started as a very small patch about a year ago and has gradually spread. There are very large patches of clearcote gone and also tiny little bubble all over the central...
  3. A

    How interchangeable are 2A and 3 bits??

    Hi, I'm sure this seems a really stupid question but I have just bought a 1961 2A and wondered how interchangeable body/chassis bits are. E.g. - can I throw an S3 bulkhead onto my S2A chassis? Many thanks, Agent mMm
  4. M

    Defender rear body panel.

    Hi, I am trying to locate the body panel on the attached picture. It is the thin strip with 3 rivits in between the small rear windows and the rear quarters where the lights mount. Does anybody have the correct name for it...
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