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  1. Joe series 3

    Fairy overdrive leak

    My Fairy Overdrive has a small oil leak. I was wondering if the green circle is the nut for topping it up. Is the red circle the drain plug? Is there a dip stick for it, I can’t see one. Thanks
  2. daveslatter

    Output Gear/Overdrive Adapter

    Hi All, I’m at the point in my gearbox rebuild where you would typically install the output gear. The issue is, the nut that fastens the gear to the shaft is “bottoming out” on the available thread. The picture below shows the oil guard, output gear and washers (x2) on the output shaft. You can...
  3. M

    Fairey overdrive rebuild / will it survive a 200tdi

    Hey guys, i have seeked help because of my overdrives input gear some time ago and finaly found one :) Now i want to start the rebuild with the synchrogearboxes parts kit however i am a bit sceptical about the synchro unit since it looks like it is propperly worn down (but i am nor sure) this...
  4. Richie_asg1

    Fairey Overdrive Input Gear RTC 7187 now in production !

    A batch of about 15 input gears RTC7187 is now about to get made by the same manufacturer as the laygears (RTC7192) made this year. These are at the back of the OD and some have gears cut and spinning in free air, where the later ones don't as per this picture of some old ones - Price is...
  5. caber

    Fairey Overdrive knackered

    It seems the overdrive on my series 3 is knackered. It sounds like a bag of spanners in direct drive once it has warmed up and in overdrive screams worse than a whole neonatal ward during a nappy changing strike :) I have been trying to find any company who would recondition it but no one seems...
  6. Richie_asg1

    Refurbishing Fairey overdrive & discussion

    Well I finally bought myself a Fairey for the IIa. Prices seem to have crept up a bit since the last time I was looking - especially the main spares. I also wanted to get an idea of what is being sold at the moment and the choices available on 'the bay. It looks like you might get lucky with a...
  7. N

    Bearing Part Numbers for Fairey Overdrive

    Hi there! I'm new to this forum, so if the question has been asked a few times already... apologies! I'm looking for the "generic" part numbers for all the bearings and oils seals in the Fairey Overdrive unit. Is there anyone here who can help? I live in South Africa, and I can't seem to find...
  8. L

    Replacement Gearbox

    I've just been told the gear box in my s3 is done for - apparently not worth even trying to repair it. Not sure what my options are or how much it's going to cost me - I'm no mechanic (and don't have the time even if I were), so I'm reliant on my local garage (who are trustworthy and generally...
  9. L


    Keep changing my mind on this one, but rather than swapping the diffs or getting a HRTC, I'm leaning towards getting an overdrive fitted to my S3. I do quite a lot of motorway driving in her, and while she cruises comfortably at 55-60, the fuel economy is wretched. I've seen some on eBay and...
  10. Grassetto

    Hello from Italy

    Hello to everybody, I want to introduce myself, my name is Eugenio, I 'm from Padova, Italy, I like old cars , I have recently bought a Land Rover 88 sw 1981 bronze green and I have spent with her 3000 km on the Alps. I have some minor problems to fix and I will enjoy to solve all of them ...
  11. S

    Questions about overdrive

    Couple quick ones: If the overdrive breaks, do you lose all drive or just the overdrive functionality? Should you have the clutch in when flicking the switch? Is it designed to take a fully loaded car?
  12. 1

    Your Fairey Overdrive sticker (decal) should be White not chrome (I think)

    I'm fairly sure all the Fairey overdrive stickers/decals I saw in the 60 & 70s where white vinyl. These days I can only see them made repro in chrome-metallic. See attached. Am I right, or is my memory failing me? Does any one have an original vintgae sticker on their series to settle this...
  13. Big Sandy

    Repair Guide Gear Box Oil Change

    Time to get dirty again folks! :) Changing the oils in the gearbox (also referred to as ‘the transmission’) is a whole lot easier if you have access to a pit, but it’s easy enough to do it without, so not to worry. There is plenty of room for you to lie on the ground under the vehicle to access...
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