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  1. boddamese

    Folding (series type) bonnet prop on Defender

    I'd like to fit a series-style folding bonnet prop to my 300tdi Defender. Does anyone have a picture of one installed? The stowing-clip mounting for the standard one snapped off and it was a stretch to unclip anyway. I see there are non series folding versions out there (MUC4208... for early...
  2. boddamese

    Front propshaft clonking on over-run

    My S2 109" is clonking quite badly from what sounds like the front prop when slowing to a stop. There is a bit of play in the sliding joint so I suppose that confirms it. Question is: Although the FWH are engaged, so the prop is turning, would you still expect a prop to make a noise like this...
  3. D

    2" Lift and now clunking

    This is weirding me out a bit... Gave the old girl a 2" Terrafirma lift kit for Christmas (close enough) and now she clunks- a really deep and pronounced clunk... Clunking speeds up and slows down with road speed. Rear wheels jacked up and each wheel turns by hand easily and the prop turns...
  4. SiPeace

    General Welding a Custom Length Prop Shaft

    Right... Front prop busted, luckily only at 30mph so I didn't lose my legs. My Landy's a hybrid ("bitsa") so a standard front prop was too short. I got a 2nd hand rear (i.e. longer) prop and cut it down. Here's a photo-story of how I did it. BTW... many thanks to @holly76 for his helpful...
  5. B

    What size Propshaft?

    Hi, I need a bit of advice, I have a 1993 110 Hi-Cap, I replaced the rear sailsbury axle with a standard axle, now I find that the rear prop is too short, I need one with an overall length of around 45 inches, (splines compressed) what vehicle would this come from? (the rear prop on my 1985 110...
  6. gpw7

    Bent Diff flange

    HI, Received a recon rear Diff for my 110 yesterday from Ashcroft Transmissions - all looked good until I came to connect the prop, one corner of the flange is bent :( making the bolt go through at an angle - managed to tighten it up and squeeze the gap down to less than 5mm, question is...
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