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  1. A

    Freelander Di 2l starting problems

    Hi all I have a T-reg Freelander Di (D) 2L. We've recently purchased the landy but are having trouble with the starting. When putting the key into the ignition barrel, I turn the key, to I and II, everything lights up and looks good. Then I turn to ignite engine and we have intermittent...
  2. E

    Freelander 1.8petrol 2004 - Starting problem

    Hi there, got what looks like a common issue from searching the forums but I could do with some help on this one... The car will sometimes start normally on the turn of the key but other times you turn the key and literally nothing happens - No cranking or anything but there is a click from a...
  3. boddamese

    Range Rover Classic 3.9 - wont fire up after removing immobiliser

    The saga so far... The Range Rover arrived about 2 months ago with an aftermarket immobiliser fitted. It was occasionally not allowing the engine to start and the sounder under the bonnet was broken open and had water in it. Having had problems with dodgy immobilisers in the past it looked like...
  4. G

    Fails to start when hot

    Hi, My Series II has developed a problem - it won't start when hot. Starts fine when cold, but if you stall or switch off after a few miles, it won't restart. Turns but won't fire. It's not overheating - no loss of coolant - and I usually get going after waiting 10-15 minutes and using a...
  5. C

    2003 Freelander not starting

    Hi...we have a 2003 Freelander and it was running fine this morning but when I went out to run errand this afternoon it would not turn over and start. Any suggestions on what I can do? The maintance garages are closed until Tuesday due to the holiday. I am interested in suggestions.:o Thanks!
  6. D

    Engine wont start or run well when hot

    Hi Was wondering if anyone on here could help me with a problem i cant solve with my series II petrol/lpg landy. From cold she starts and runs fine until she gets warm then she does run well (misfires when throttle up) If the engine is stopped she wont start again for another coulple of hours...
  7. M

    TD5 Cold starting - runs for 3 seconds then stops

    Defender 90 TD5 c.2005. Only owned for a couple of months I have a cold starting problem, it seems associated with the glow plugs. Symptoms, When cold the glow plug light comes on, engine fires immediately and runs for about 3 seconds then just cuts out, then will not fire at all., At this time...
  8. S

    Head gasket replacement on TD5: How to build oil pressure??

    Hi, I'm getting dangerously close to finishing replacing the head gasket on my TD5. Can anyone tell me the best way to build oil pressure (on starter?) without getting it to fire? Is leaving injector loom disconnected enough? I'm sure I saw something on some forum somewhere but I'm b****red...
  9. G

    `03 TD5 starting problem

    Had the 3 amigo lights on-mechanic changed shuttle valve and lights went off.Came on a day later and would reset when engine was turned off,but come back on intermitently.Going back to garage for further investigation - but- put a new horn button on today.A simple enough job? should have been...
  10. J

    defender td5 bad starting sometimes?

    td5 defender, sometimes i can just about turn key and it fires stright up, other times acn turn over for ages before it will start, have tried turning on , listen for pump to change note, still no joy, tryed putting foot down to floor first? no diesel leeks, can run engine, turn off and wont...
  11. R

    HELP!!!! poor starting td5

    ive a 2000my td5 90 it was a good starter until recently then it was poor 10% of the time took ages to crank over, other 90% of the time started first hit ive just had a clutch and fly wheel fitted by a local garage he noticed the fuel pressure regulator was leaking into the bell housing so...
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