just a warning not to use your chip and pin cards to pay for fuel in petrol stations. these retail establishments are a prime source of card scamming, copying your details electronically and then producing clones of your card which is then used for all sorts of purchases. i have had a grand debited from my account for transactions at the other end of the country, so be warned.
one bit of advice is to check your account for a couple of small card purchases (in my case it was for bus tickets) close to each other. this is apparently the thief checking out that the cloned card works, then a few days later BANG they come back for the big money. they dont need your pin number just the 18 digit card number stored in the chip.
the advice from my bank is pay ONLY CASH at petrol stations.
one bit of advice is to check your account for a couple of small card purchases (in my case it was for bus tickets) close to each other. this is apparently the thief checking out that the cloned card works, then a few days later BANG they come back for the big money. they dont need your pin number just the 18 digit card number stored in the chip.
the advice from my bank is pay ONLY CASH at petrol stations.