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Green lane maps/guides.


Accelerating Away
Do such a thing exist, other than o/s maps?
I get the impression that they're kept quite, possible (and understandably) to keep the irresponsibles away?
My mate and I have just got our first Rangie and want to start off with some gentle, enjoy the countryside type green laning, particularly in the area of the borders of Cheshire/Derbyshire/North Staffordshire.
Niether of us is either interested or experienced enough yet for balls out, flat out, up to the axles stuff in quarries etc. Besides, as we likely to have the wives in the back, flat out would probably result in a flat on the back of me napper! :)

Have you thought about joining a club and going greenlaning? Quite often they have a different groups on a days outings to cater for different tastes.

Try www.badlrc.co.uk it's a great club. At Easter we're going to have a members' play day at Shottle (Derbys).. There is plenty of varied terrain there to cater for all levels of ability.


Have you thought about joining a club .............

Yes we have and we've both already looked at that web site. i recon it would be a good place for newbies to get advice.
Like the look of the easter thing but noooooooooooo way can we wait that long! Got a new toy to play with! Now! Right:D now!!
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