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Halogen Heaven


Accelerating Away
Bloody marvellous! I've seen all these adverts for halogens to replace the old budgie powered OE's. So I asked my mate Keith to acquire a set. Trouble is that the llA headlamps are set qiute far back behind the wings and tend to give a pool of light similar to driving lamps. Halaogens are far more sharp and in yer face.
So what would happen with the wings and Halogens? Balls, I'd already ordered them.
The next thing is that although the fit nicely into the old surrounds, they rattle around so out with the old inner tube and insulation tape...
Result...brilliant! No trouble at all. Supeb, I can actually see where I'm going now. I may even try the Zenon bulbs next before the novelty wears off.
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