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Has anyone seen my swivel pin filler plugs.... ?


Cos I can't see them!

I got the drain plug, and the level plug, but I don't got no filler plug, unless I are mostly blind today....

Its square right?


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Cheers chris

I still can't see the filler plug at the top, possibly due to the large amount of crud around there :)

also, the diagram looks like hex plugs, whereas mine are square.

When I'm not full of Sunday lunch, I will fill from the level plug
I might even clean under there :o
Cos I can't see them!

I got the drain plug, and the level plug, but I don't got no filler plug, unless I are mostly blind today....

Its square right?

I had the same problem finding mine. I gave up eventually and filled it through the level hole. I still don't know if I was particulkarly blind of thick that day or whether I had a variant without the filler hole.
yeah you fill from the level plug....the top bolts are for the Kingpin... fill it untill the oil dribbles out of the level plug. If you're using oneshot heat the bottle up in a pan of really Hot water... makes ti go in easier;)
Filled my one up with oneshot, it came in a bag, just squeeze it out with like tooth paste, a lot easier than the flamming bottles.
As Ken says, that bolt is one of 2 that hold the top pin in the stub. The Railko bush and that pin wear and give you the play that you Fail the MOT on.;)

Most casings have just a drain and level/filler plug now, saves on costs.

Odd, as this is a 1987 truck........

I think some retrieval of serial numbers is in order to find out just what I have :)

cheers for all the info,,,

My 1976 S3 only had level and drain plugs. In fact in the S2A/3 (1958 - 1985) Haynes manual it only mentions filling through the level plug. I could find no mention of a filler plug. Now, when I read my Haynes Defender manual, like you, I see they state a filler & level plug. However, i've never found a filler plug on mine, just a level plug. So I wouldn't worry yourself Stevo. So long as they're topped up to the correct levels, that's it.

Some say that one shot is not suitable for pre defender models as it does not get up to lubricate the Raiko bush, Defenders had bearings to and bottom.
Cant preach on the subject as Im running one shot myself on my 89 90.
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