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In Fourth Gear
HI All and a Happy New Year to you all

Now for the not so happy bit.........................
shes died on me :Cross:
Well it all started just after i fitted a new radio to my SIII
2 days later nothing :confused: she will not start and there are no lights on the dash, nothing... so i got myself a new battery due to the fact the night before we had a bad frost and i thought that my be the problem.
after fitting that still nothing??????? :( ahhhh but my head lights work and my radio does tooo anyway ive look under and over to see if there are any lose wires but i cant find a single one........
so please could someone shed anylight.........please

oh i best let you know this is my 1st Landy and i know very little about engines,got to start somewhere :p
Did you use your vehicle between fitting the radio and it dying?
Have you checked your fuses?
Did you fit the radio correctly so that it is not draining your battery?
Where did you wire it up to? Could you have disconnected something important?
Try to think about the problem logically, and trace through where you have power and where you don't. The answer should be obvious once you find it.


Is it a petrol or diesel? (there are differences between in the two ways each engine start)
Pull out your radio and double check all wiring, also check your fuses. Amazing how easy it is to overlook the obvious. Check the ignition electrics are working too.

As rich p asked, petrol or diesel????????
hi and thanks
Well for starts its a petrol 2.25.
Now the radio is fine that is a direct feed from the battery with a 10amp fuse.
and yes she worked fine for about 4 days after i rigged the radio up.
ive checked all the fuses, and bought a new battery ( didnt know how long the old battery had been in )
i have a funy feeling i my have more than one fault
1, ignition switch
2, Alternator
3, starter motor
4, just a lose wire some where so im going to get my self a good meter on sat :o
Ok one of the main culprits of no cranking of the engine is the solenoid for the starter motor. When that goes nothing happens when you turn the key. It is situated on the bulked in the engine bay just behind the engine. Have a look at it and take the wires off and clean the terminals. If you have a voltage tester try buzzing it through.
How did you wire up the radio? Is it one of the new fangled digital types?

Could be that you have wired the battery to the "wrong" input on the radio which is draining the battery.

Might be best disconnecting the radio and see what happens after a few days.
naa its an old radio out of a ford (freebie)
ive disconnected the radio and the problem still remains
talking to a friend he says its the ignition switch what with there being no lights coming up on the dash ????
well thanks all will find out on sat when i have some light :)
No lights? Doesn't always mean it's the ignition switch! Do you have sidelights and headlights still operable?
Okay. The lights apart from indicators run off a live feed from the battery via the solenoid. What happens if you short out the two main terminals on the starter solenoid? Do you get a big spark and does it try to turn over?

Remember to have the gearbox in neutral before you do this!
Okay. The lights apart from indicators run off a live feed from the battery via the solenoid. What happens if you short out the two main terminals on the starter solenoid? Do you get a big spark and does it try to turn over?

Remember to have the gearbox in neutral before you do this!
Well i havent done anything as of yet its to dark when i get home from work but tomorrow i`ll give that a bash and see what happens ...
so you think it mybe my solenoid then ????
and by the way thanks Rich_P:)
It may be the solenoid, because this is the fault I had a month ago with my starter solenoid.
well guys i found out what it was...................its the ignition so ive bypassed it to get mi babbi on the road with a switch on the dash now all i have to do is fit a new speedo cable and shes up and running again.
oh and by the way there was a fault with the radio too so that`s been ripped out
cheers for all the help guys Thanks:)
Radio, :eek: :D Blimy you must have a quiet lanny. i fitted one once, never use it cant hear it.:rolleyes: anything above 30 MPH and you whould need one of those speakers all the youngsters have in there hatchbacks AAhhhhh!

Go on fit an eight track you know you want too!!:p
Go on fit an eight track you know you want too!!:p[/quote]
:D yeah now that would be cool i saw a few weeks ago on pimp my ride a dudette with a VW camper having a mp3 player sound system which was modified from an old 8 track, really looked the part:p
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