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hid conversion

A mate put a kit on his Westfield kit car - lights were very much brighter and were very easy to install. Couple of things to bear in mind tho:

He found he had to angle his lights towards the road significantly to avoid blinding other road users as the light is consistantly bright, right to the extent of the reflectors throw. The first test-use, loads of peed-off road users were flashing him thinking that his lights were on full beam.

Some conversions can cause problems if you are in the habbit of flashing other road users out from junctions, into a lane on motorway, etc. HID bulbs take 20-30secs to get up to full brightness and short bursts can damage the bulbs. The listing you've posted uses bulbs with just one filament, so this won't be a problem when using dipped beams as the angle of the bulb is changed (I think) but when the lights are off, could cause problems. Worth looking into anyway.

Hope this helps :)
another thing to be aware of, your dipped beam points to the left. if you are on the middle/outside lane on a dual carrageway/motorway you will dazzle everyone on your left.

i was on the M25 in the Micra on boxing day or the day after and the road was bumper to bumper on all three lanes. i was on the right hand land and i had a freelander on my ****. he had these really bright lamps and my rear view and wing mirrors were dazzling me to the extent i had to slow right down and turn them away so i was blind as to what was going on behind me (not good on the outside lane of a busy motorway) so , i got ms nobber to poke her head out of the passanger window to tell me if i could pull over into the middle lane which i managed to do but because the dick in the freelander was on dipped beam it was twice as bad.
really this was a big problem , not just for me but for everyone in front of this *******. i was flashing my hazards , my fog lamps but he just didnt back off. one things for sure , if i did ever manage to get behind him id have followed him and shoved his lights up his ****.
sorry to rent on but really it could have caused a very serious accident.

also be aware that if you are going up a hill , when you reach the brow your lights will be pointing straight ahead in stead of down. this can also dazzle on comming traffic.

what you really need to ask your self is 'do i accually need brighter lamps'?
you probably dont.:)
Iknow the feeling nobber, i get people behind me in the van with full beam on, and im totally blind, cant look out the rear window to see if clear, i dont think the lights are brighter as such, but the light is cleanner if that makes sence...

it does , blue lights will simulate daylight better than orange.
topps i think your lights might need looking at fella , they shouldnt be pointing at the floor and fitting brighter bulbs is just brushing the initial problem under the carpet.
the original lamps on a landrover might not be the best but if they dont illuminate the road ahead they are at fault , you cant just dismiss them as crap , if they were simply crap they would never be allowed to leave the factory.
i dont want to be blinding people on the road id just like to be able to light the road up to see where i am going and my lights just dont do this very well at all . i have noticed in the past driving roads which i know when in the landrover ive been slowing down because i just cant see enough of the road :(

oh i upgraded to brighter bulbs still poooooooo
then there is something wrong with your electrics.
id be looking at thw wiring harness all the way to the fuse box and cleaning up all the connections. try putting in a new fuse and cleaning up the connections.
have a look on this forum , there is a thread with some links to rewiring defender lights.
Iknow the feeling nobber, i get people behind me in the van with full beam on, and im totally blind, cant look out the rear window to see if clear, i dont think the lights are brighter as such, but the light is cleanner if that makes sence...


Ahh, You need a "B*st*rd!" light fitting on the back. :D Just like the old Rally cars. 100watts of pure power. :eek:
This is just for information only and I'm not expressing a view, BUT fitting these would be illegal to your 90.

There is no built in self levelling unit and unless you fitted self levelling air suspension to your 90 then you can't fit them legally. The Police have and will prosecute for this if they feel inclined.Also depending on how friendly your MOT station is it may come up then too.

Just making you aware.


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