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It makes life worth living

I don't know if anyone caught this story but I am happy that "nil illegitimi carborundum" still applies ;)

A well-known humorous example — frequently confused with real Latin — is the aphorism Nil illegitimi carborundum (and several simple variants), which is said to mean "don't let the b*****ds grind you down". "Carborundum", the abrasive, has a Latinate ending and suggests grinding, but in fact is a nineteenth century trademark constructed as a portmanteau of carbon and corundum (a Hindi word). "Illegitimi" sounds as if it might mean "illegitimate children" in the literal sense (and hence imply the modern English idiom), but the actual Latin word for "b*****d" is nothus. And "nil" sounds as if it might be a negator adverb for the grinding of "carborundum", but actually is the noun, "nothing".A well-known humorous example — frequently confused with real Latin — is the aphorism Nil illegitimi carborundum (and several simple variants), which is said to mean "don't let the b*st*rds grind you down". "Carborundum", the abrasive, has a Latinate ending and suggests grinding, but in fact is a nineteenth century trademark constructed as a portmanteau of carbon and corundum (a Hindi word). "Illegitimi" sounds as if it might mean "illegitimate children" in the literal sense (and hence imply the modern English idiom), but the actual Latin word for "b*****d" is nothus. And "nil" sounds as if it might be a negator adverb for the grinding of "carborundum", but actually is the noun, "nothing".

Glad they got stuffed though. any other company that regularly stole cash from it's customers would have been taken to court or shut down by the fraud squad.
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