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looks like a good idea

To quote the manufacturer's web site.
"the warning signs are made of heavy-duty aluminium composite board with rubberised edges then laminated and sealed so they are also watertight."
I wonder if you can turn them over and use them as a table too :lol:
I do actually rather like them, tempting, especially on "Smart" motorway.
I wonder if you can turn them over and use them as a table too :lol:
I do actually rather like them, tempting, especially on "Smart" motorway.
The sign that comes up when you use the link isn't the one I thought it was going to be. The intended sign is the one about reduced vision and signals
The sign that comes up when you use the link isn't the one I thought it was going to be. The intended sign is the one about reduced vision and signals
I think it's different on the front than the back, so you get both maybe?
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