Excuse my deep cynicism, but I suspect you are about to become the dupes of yet another municiple money harvest, disguised as a congestion curing measure.
I am absolutely no supporter of the London congestion charging project, but it could be argued that it is technically possible to avoid the zone, if you are not travelling
to it. The zone is only
part of central London and it is therefore possible to reduce congestion within it by diverting traffic
around it.
In the case of Manchester, I suggest that they have encircled the entire central area, so avoidance is well nigh impossible. I don't know Manchester well, perhaps Peter Cowin or Educationalist could advise, but unless they
double or even
quadruple the number of buses and trains that go in to the central area, they do not expect the congestion to be reduced by this measure. But they
expect you to pay.
I'm afraid that once they see how much money London is raking in and how much more it is hoping to score, with the zone extension, provincial cities will be quite unable to resist such a lucrative scam.
I never used to be like this.
Roger - TfL will be first against the wall when the revolution comes.