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Metal work trolley

Review Metal work trolley

Guitar Mick

Staff member
Guitar Mick submitted a new resource:

Metal work trolley - Work Trolley

I've been looking for a trolley that I can have beside me when working on the Land Rover. It's a huge drag dragging the big roller cabinet out of the workshop and if I only need to do something simple then I don't need all of the tools out. Also, putting a bench up just means more time spent faffing about and I find balancing tools on the top of the Land Rover's wings a pain because at some point they fall off (usually into the engine bay).
So my Christmas present from herself was one of...

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Fortunately I have concrete down between the workshop and where the cars are parked. But there is a steep ramp outside the workshop door and wheeling the whole tool cabinet out is no easy task. So I had been looking for a way to just take the tools I needed for the particular job I was doing and have something to put things on, other than the floor or the front wings of the Landy (which would usually end up being the floor anyway:oopsy:).
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