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More Beer, beer, we want more beer take 3 and onward


Well chaps I think we can all agree the first 2 meetings of the South East contingent went very well and I was thinking maybe we should make it a monthly event.

Now I know that Bob, unfortunatly, has to go to work for the next few weeks but I think we should try to get a monthly social evening organised so when he get's back he can come on the pi$$ ( may even drag Becky along for that one).

2 Questions thought.

When during the month, i.e 1st Friday etc and

Where, The Porterhouse has served us well so far but maybe we need to find somewher quieter or just book a corner in the Porter house for our meets.

What say you all from Susseex, Kent, Surrey, Essex, Middlesex, Hampshire, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Herefordshire and of course anyone else who fancies coming down as there is always a spare bed or 2 at my place.
BTW i'm not putting myself forward to sort this out.

I couldn't organise a bunk up in a knocking shop:D

Only organised people please apply,

Virve over to you
Just had a very serial conversation with V, she's been up for 28 hrs (come off night shift and trying to get back to day) we won't be letting here sort out the venue or will we end up in a
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I wonder if the pubs closer to the city would be quieter and still reasonably close to the transportation? And we need to make sure we close the meeting about twenty minutes earlier so we can all get home without rolling up the railway lines behind us. Or in front as has happened in one or two notable cases. :D

There are also a number of notable absences in a South East home counties LRUK meet. Nobber, Ken110, Dave-H to name but a few.

There's a few nice ones in london bridge....Market porter...the george... I'd be up for a saturday drinkup!! I'll try and get Mr Nobber and Mrtoppa to come along..
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