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Please wish me luck


Posting Guru
Postwoman has just been with a letter from Pembrokeshire County Council saying I have been shortlisted for a job as a Printer with them, interview next tuesday:)

Please wish me luck as I don't have a lot of confidence in the viability of the place I'm working at at the mo and if the place goes bust south Pembrokeshire will have a load of redundant Printers looking for work and I don't want to be one of them:(

cheers, Tim
good luck Tim , hope you get it fella.
whats the work situation like down there Tim?
been thinking about moving back to wales for a while now.
Good Luck Tim, you'll be fine. Just say you can do it and work it out as you go along!!! :) Plus if I can get a job so can you! Got me my first non-student job, started monday just gone! Is quite a shock to the system I can tell yer!!! :eek: :rolleyes: :D At least I can now say "my tax pays for you lot"!!! ;)
All the best Tim, hope things work out for you. Local government job huh?, that's it, easy street here you come:p
Good luck Tim, of course you'll get it no problems :) Just the right time of life to join the cooncil too, 35 hours, all that annual leave, and the pension to boot ... :D ;)
whats the work situation like down there Tim?
been thinking about moving back to wales for a while now.

Errm, not too sure, put it this way, both me and Ali got jobs easy enough but then it probably depends on what line of work you are in (and I was dead lucky:) )

cheers, Tim
All the best Tim, hope you get it.
I worked for several year's on a two color komori sprint 28 before going into the finishing side before leaving the trade, very competive industry with ever tightning deadline's, good luck:)
Using my usual modus operandi, I'm late into the thread, but no less sincere for that Tim - I'm sure you won't need luck. You probably rely on skill.

I'm impressed that you thought through the 'shaky print shop - possible glut of print workers - retaliate before they get in first.'

Hope you get what you want.

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