Latest phrase for kids in foster care is "looked after children". As a parent I find this incredibly insulting. Are they implying that I do not look after my son?????
Latest phrase for kids in foster care is "looked after children". As a parent I find this incredibly insulting. Are they implying that I do not look after my son?????
Latest phrase for kids in foster care is "looked after children". As a parent I find this incredibly insulting. Are they implying that I do not look after my son?????
A black man on TV today discussing the BB affair spoke very sensibly, referred to himself as black, and said it isn't what you say, its how you say it.The thing with all thse new terms and the PC issue is that once the new term is established, it becomes politically incorrect too and another new term has to be used.
Take disabled people. First it was "cripples". That was changed to "disabled" because of negative conotations. That later became "mobility impaired" for the same reason. Another term will come along soon. The idiots that decide that the existing terms are inappropriate don't get the point that it's not the words that have negative conotations but the impairment they're describing. Disabilities will always be a negative thing, whatever you call them. Changing the term won't make disability advantageous or desireable.
youll find it even more insulting if someone makes an alligation against you with regard to your childeren.
the SS can take them from school and the first youll know about either the alligation or the taking from school is when you phone the police to say " " hasnt come home or when the police together with an SS worker come to your door to serve the papers. and the worst thing is you have no redress at all untill you go to court
the worst thing about the system is that there is no indipendant body to complain to when things go wrong. if you have a complaint about an SS worker you can only complain to the SS
(and i appologies in advance to any ex german service men for the abreviation)
Like most services, when you have a complaint, you would deal firstly with the people concerned, then work upwards. In Scotland its the following=
What will happen once a complaint has been made?
Your complaint will be acknowledged soon after we receive it. An investigation of your complaint will be carried out by a senior member of staff. You will receive a detailed written reply within 28 days of us receiving the complaint.
If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of your complaint an appeal can be made to the Council's Complaints Review Committee. This committee provides an independent review of complaints and will make a recommendation on the complaint to the appropriate local authority committee.
only if its a writen complaint and
you forgot the most important part
then nothing will be done about it unless you take them to court
Scottish Commission for The Regulation of Care
The Commission for The Regulation of Care is the regulation and inspection body for care services in Scotland. The Commission's key aim is to improve the quality of care in Scotland. Complaints about a care service which is regulated by the Care Commission can be made to the Scottish Commission for The Regulation of Care. Further information about the Care Commission and Social Work complaints can be obtained from the Commission's website:
only if its a writen complaint and
you forgot the most important part
then nothing will be done about it unless you take them to court
My Mother felt much the same as you. Two fold reasoning. First because she had fostered children for several years when we were younger but mainly when she sought help from a variety of authorities as she knew something was wrong when I was showing signs of being unapproachable.Latest phrase for kids in foster care is "looked after children". As a parent I find this incredibly insulting. Are they implying that I do not look after my son?????