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Proposed new tracking system/road tax.

If you drive a car, please read -

Sarah Kennedy was talking about this proposed car tax scheme on Radio 2.
Apparently there is only until the 20th February left to register your objection to the 'Pay As You Go' road tax.

The petition is on the 10 Downing St website but they didn't tell anybody
about it. Therefore at the time of Sarah's comments only 250,000 people had
signed it and 750,000 signatures are required for the goverment to at least
take any notice.

Once you've given your details (you don't have to give your full address,
just house number and postcode will do), they will send you an email with a
link in it. Once you click on that link, you'll have signed the petition.

The government's proposal to introduce road pricing will mean you having to
purchase a tracking device for your car and paying a monthly bill to use it.
The tracking device will cost about £200 and in a recent study by the BBC,
the lowest monthly bill was £28 for a rural florist and £194 for a delivery
driver. A non working mother who used the car to take the kids to school
paid £86 in one month.

On top of this massive increase in tax, you will be tracked. Somebody will
know where you are at all times. They will also know how fast you have been
going, so even if you accidentally creep over a speed limit in time you can
probably expect a Notice of Intended Prosecution with your monthly bill.

If you are concerned about this Orwellian plan and want to stop the constant
bashing of the car driver, please sign the petition on No 10's new website
(link below) and pass this on to as many people as possible. Sign up if you
value your freedom and democratic rights -

We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Scrap the planned vehicle tracking and road pricing policy.

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there is alreay massive amounts of number plate reconition camera's around, every service station, as you enter and leave parts of surrey,and other counties on the main roads in and out, every motor way services,as you enter central london and probly most other cities, to be honest, they already know where your car is and when....

But the extra tax :eek:

It was very cleverly made to look that most people would not be any worse off, but the reality is, they would be, and it is not a road tax, it is a country wide congestion charge. You would still be paying your annual road tax on your vehicle from what I have read.

So you would have to pay your Road Tax, plus the tracking device, one off fitting payment plus annual check fee. Then you pay per mile, and depending which roads you use and if you visit population centres it will vary the cost accordinly... to very expensive if needs be...
Actualy the goverment doesn't have to take any notice regardless of the number of people who sign.

Roads Minister Stephen Ladyman said has dismissed the petition as 'nonsense', while Downing Street said the Prime Minister had no intention of abandoning plans to tax drivers by the mile.

This was when the petition had over 500,000 signatories.

Which is typical of this goverments arrogant nanny knows best attitude.
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They are just going for it, as an easy way to raise revenue, simple as that. Anyone who stands up against it will be given the excuse it is to help stop global warming and how can you be so nasty and selfish to not care about the planet and what you will leave for your grand children...
They are just going for it, as an easy way to raise revenue, simple as that. Anyone who stands up against it will be given the excuse it is to help stop global warming and how can you be so nasty and selfish to not care about the planet and what you will leave for your grand children...

Interestly this is not being touted as a green "tax" but vital to reduce congestion on the roads if we are not to face gridlock.
Arh, well, here is a bit more for the pot, if they tax the most congested roads, then drivers will use the cheaper roads, those single lane roads etc which are not really designed to carry such high volumes of traffic.
This will then make them congested, so the governement will then raise the tax on those roads too....

So, in the end, all the roads would end up at similar levels of pricing, to combat the congestion problem...

Meanwhile the poor public transport system still doesn't get any extra money to improve it's services... to encourage people from there cars...
Look at it this way in 2005 they said trials are 5 years away, thats 2010 hopefully they will no longer be in power by then.

And anyway if they were, given their track record on big new ideas it will 10 yrs late, over budget and never work.
Look at it this way in 2005 they said trials are 5 years away, thats 2010 hopefully they will no longer be in power by then.

And anyway if they were, given their track record on big new ideas it will 10 yrs late, over budget and never work.

Quite agree they can't even count the number of live births in the UK which should be simple enough

The government's track record on any large computer databases is terrible, can't think of a single system that works.
Dont mean to sound all pessemistic but.....

Plans are WAAAAY too far advanced for this scheme to be stopped by anything as feeble as a petition, no matter how many people sign it. Anyway, since when did the government take any notice of what the population actually want?
Voting the government out will make no difference either as whoever follows on will simply continue with the plans, as its all too far advanced to be ditched now.

As for being tracked....its already too late to stop this.

Since last summer iirc,the ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) system has been operating nationwide. This is a network of cameras strung along all motorways, major roads, city and town centres and an ever-increasing number of backroads. This system records the numberplate of every car, logging all journeys. This information is stored in a police-accessible database for the next ten years.
The black-box tracking system is simply the next logical step in their plans for keeping tabs on the population. Car manufacturers are already looking at integrating this system with cars electronics. Retro-fitting to older cars will be eventually be obligatory. Fiddling or removing the box wont work as the ANPR system already knows your movements so if your GPSdata doesnt tally, you will be caught out. Once all cars have these boxes, it only takes a minor change in legislation to be sneakd through to allow information to be used to automatically prosecute for speeding.

Its all talked up as ways to reduce crime on the roads, track terrorists and rubbish like that, but the simple fact is that its US the mostly honest public who are scrutinised as if we were criminals while the real criminals simply dont register cars in their own name, steal numberplates and clone cars, allowing them to contunie unchecked. The ever-decreasing number of real police on the roads means their chances of being stopped are pretty slim.

There is already a Tax database, Already an insurance database, MOT`s are now on a database, yet numbers of untaxed, un-insured, un-mot`d cars arent falling. These schemes simply dont work as they all rely on people registering their cars properly. Criminals obviously dont.

Look out for changes to the V5 and car registration scheme sometime soon in order to try and crack down on this. Obviously whatever hairbrained scheme is thought up will involve loads more paperwork and hassle for joe public when buying or selling a car and almost certainly some kind of fee to "cover the costs".
Was thinking about this even more, people do realise that they will start to look at every trip you make by car and will no doubt start to charge you more for trips you make for enjoyment...

So gone will be the days you can just go out for a drive around, to visit the seaside, as you will be taxed more for it, on the grounds it is causing congestion and preventing business operators from doing their work.

It is looking more and more like we will have less freedom in this country to make our own choices, and so far, many people seem to be happy to go along with this...
Aye, we are pretty much certain to be the last generation in UK to be able to drive for pleasure.

Rising fuel costs and schemes like this will be the end of motoring for pleasure, moving cars from an enjoyable past time to something to be used only when absolutely necessary.

Unless you are rich enough to afford the prices of course.
Aye, we are pretty much certain to be the last generation in UK to be able to drive for pleasure.

Rising fuel costs and schemes like this will be the end of motoring for pleasure, moving cars from an enjoyable past time to something to be used only when absolutely necessary.

Unless you are rich enough to afford the prices of course.

Those that suffer the most of course, will be the people who live in rural communities as always...

What a lot of these people that vote for these things don't realise is that a lot of us can not bare the thought of living in a city, and some of us even struggle to tollorate living in small towns or even villages...
Those that suffer the most of course, will be the people who live in rural communities as always...

What a lot of these people that vote for these things don't realise is that a lot of us can not bare the thought of living in a city, and some of us even struggle to tollorate living in small towns or even villages...

Point of order Sir! Those of you who live in rural areas will not suffer the most, those of us who live deep in urban areas will. We use our cars to get to the nice parts of Britain, because we live in urban sprawl. When they finally nail down the lid of relatively casual motoring - exactly as Dave succinctly puts it - we will not be able to come to the pretty areas. You, on the other hand, are already there.

Point of order Sir! Those of you who live in rural areas will not suffer the most, those of us who live deep in urban areas will. We use our cars to get to the nice parts of Britain, because we live in urban sprawl. When they finally nail down the lid of relatively casual motoring - exactly as Dave succinctly puts it - we will not be able to come to the pretty areas. You, on the other hand, are already there.


You Sir are of of order. Don't forget many of us who live in the nice parts of Britain rely on you urbanites for our jobs, if you don't come then no work and no driving. We will obviously suffer more.
& of course not forgetting those who are born & grow up without the oportunities to move to a different location.
Businesses will either fold (putting more out of work & producing greater strain on the state) or pass on the costs to their customers who either can or cannot afford to pay the extra.
Everybody's going to be screwed either way.
You Sir are of of order. Don't forget many of us who live in the nice parts of Britain rely on you urbanites for our jobs, if you don't come then no work and no driving. We will obviously suffer more.

Err .... yes, well. The government and all those gleeful dogooders should have thought of that. Annnnnnndd - you'll be suffering in a nice place.

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