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Anyone reccomend any were for 1/4 3/8 1/2 " Ratchets..i am sick of my cheapys shredding the Ratchets :confused:

Need a decent set also saves my Knuckles as well:D
Gedore - expensive:eek: but then I inherited mine from a neighbour in Derby for naff all when he was moving house and having a clearout:)

cheers, Tim
I've still got the Gedore ½" drive socket set I was given for my, umm, 15th Birthday I think!
Still going strong too.
I have recently trashed the second 3/8" ratchet from my Sealey set. Not too happy about that as they aren't that cheap. Been keeping an eye on it, but suddenly the ratchet fails and looking at the tool, one of the securing screws goes missing again.
I've still got the Gedore ½" drive socket set I was given for my, umm, 15th Birthday I think!
Still going strong too.
I have recently trashed the second 3/8" ratchet from my Sealey set. Not too happy about that as they aren't that cheap. Been keeping an eye on it, but suddenly the ratchet fails and looking at the tool, one of the securing screws goes missing again.

common prob with the flat type ratchets from halfords you need to keep a careful eye on the screw even with loc-tite on em.
I have a Draper 1/2" and Halfords 1/4" ratchet. I have been very pleased with both, though the Halfords one is certainly the better of the two. I also have a few Halfords 1/2 sockets after my original cheapies exploded - the Halfords ones semm pretty tough and have no corrosion at all. Given the quality of a lot of the stuff they sell, Im impressed with the quality and value of their spanners and socket sets.
Yep, Halfords socket sets are sound. I bought a 3/8 drive set from them, it is still going strong after all sorts of abuse.
They don't guarantee the ratchets though do they??
They had an offer on over Christmas, a monster tool kit reduced from about £200 to around £125....Loads of bits:D . Unfortunately I already had most of them in one form or another and couldn't justify buying the set:( .
I love shiny tools, the way they look, and the way they feel Mmmm:D
The only problem I have had with my Halfrauds Pro set it the ratchet spanners are far too thin, they really cut into your fingers, other than that they have survived 8 years hard abuse totally unscathed :D done it now :rolleyes:
I know that you can get spares for FACOM ratchets if you do manage to break one. The same for Snap-on, although I've heard their ratchets aren't as good as their reputation.

Even with expensive ratchets you'll break them if you apply "cheater" bars/pipes - a ratchetless bar will withstand more abuse (less to break, cheaper to replace, less "flex").

Jonathan Paton
Hmmm...Got a lot of Teng stuff myself and well it takes a lot of abuse...taken a hammer to them on more then i care to remember, sockets as well, none of it is chrome plated like halfords and snap-on which after a while can come off and cut ya hands.

Got Halfords Ratchet spanners and they are great don't know how i lived without them hehe. Got a couple of bits from Snap-on very over priced but found the quality to be great. got a 2 foot 1/2 inch bar don't know where i'd be without it.

You get what you pay for...you buy cheap...you buy twice!
Hmmm...Got a lot of Teng stuff myself and well it takes a lot of abuse...taken a hammer to them on more then i care to remember, sockets as well, none of it is chrome plated like halfords and snap-on which after a while can come off and cut ya hands.

Got Halfords Ratchet spanners and they are great don't know how i lived without them hehe. Got a couple of bits from Snap-on very over priced but found the quality to be great. got a 2 foot 1/2 inch bar don't know where i'd be without it.

You get what you pay for...you buy cheap...you buy twice!

I've got a snap-on 2' bar as well snapped the knuckle on it once gave it to my Brother who gave it to the snap-on agent when he visited the garage. I got a brand new bar to arguements no excuses. which was good as I picked the old one up at a carboot for a couple of quid. Thats why they are expensive because your buying a tool for life.
As a mechanic I don't have any 1/2 drive ratchets.
I have a 1/4 drive and three 3/8 drive, the latest a really cheap Machin Mart one. Both of the oither 3/8 are Snap-On. Snap-On is expensive, very expensive.
Both my Snap-On ratchets are well over twenty years old. I admit that they no longer get the day to day use that they did but they fit in the hand better than any other I've tried.
The 1/4 drive came from Paddocks would you believe at a couple of quid.

If I want to shift a nut I use my two foot breaker bar. When I was working I would use a windy gun. Then the ratchet.
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