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reinstate 25 year tax rule


In Third Gear

link copied from the yahoo101 forum.
this is an official petition to reinstate the 25 year rule on historic car tax.
personally i was gutted when my 101 reached 25, and to my horror, the rule had been quietly abolished.
if you want to sign up you have to be a uk resident, give your house number and post code and email address.

Sorry I disagree..

I don't want the roads full of dirty and dangerous 1982 Sierras and Cavaliers. That's what would happen! People will shop for 25 year old motors rather than 10 year old motors (which at least have a CAT).

Besides the RFL equates to less than 4 quid a week. Less is you only use your vehicle thru' the summer months. That's nothing compared to, say, the fuel used by a 101!!

Sorry. SG.
Signed. I was gutted when one of my MGs was tax exempt and the other one wasn't. Costs a fortune for each mile the thing does every summer.
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