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Road tolls


Big Landy Fan
Plans to introduce road charging to cut congestion will be scrapped by Transport Secretary Douglas Alexander unless the country backs the scheme, it has been reported.
Mr Alexander told the Daily Mirror: "Unless motorists and families can see the benefits of bringing in a national road pricing system then it simply won't happen."
On Friday, an online petition opposing the project passed the million-signature mark - with signatures being added at a rate of around one every second that day.
But a Department for Transport spokesman played down Mr Alexander's comments, emphasising that no decision on a national road charging system could be made until the results of planned regional trials were known.
Mr Alexander told the paper: "I understand the public's concerns. Frankly, if we were proposing what the petition suggests, I would share their concerns.":)
A million people signed the petition against the scheme. Great.
60-odd million people HAVENT signed the petition. Look at that from the governments point of view....."the vast majority of the public support the scheme."

The true test would be the government launching a petition FOR the scheme and seeing how many people sign up.
A million people signed the petition against the scheme. Great.
60-odd million people HAVENT signed the petition. Look at that from the governments point of view....."the vast majority of the public support the scheme."

The true test would be the government launching a petition FOR the scheme and seeing how many people sign up.
I agree thats the way it should be done then if it goes through we cant complain :(
I think they are going about it wrong way.

Surely the easiest and most logical way to tax raod use would be to raise fuel tax? Therefore the people with the gas guzzlers and those who do loads of miles will have to pay more rather than the old dear in her Micra who only travels a few thousand miles a year? Makes sense to me.

None of us, including myself wants to pay more for fuel but it is the only fair way of raising taxes or trying to cut car use.

Yes, it means the cost of living, transport, goods and food will cost more to cover the fuel cost.

By gas guzzlers I don't mean just V8 RR's, I see far more Mercs, Audi, BMW's etc with engines over 3 litres that I would regard gas guzzlers!
A democratic way of finding out what the public wants would be a referendum on the issue,but since the politicians never get the answer they're looking for there ain't much chance of it happening.
I can't help thinking that if the government do eventually manage to impose road pricing in the UK it could lead to civil disorder on an unprecedented scale.
so , once again the poor people suffer and the rich can pay to pollute, getting away scot free.
its such an infair scheme , but then again , britian is one of the most unfair countrys ive ever lived in.

and to be fair , toll roads are all over europe and they seem to work for them.
having had a closer look at this road charging thingy as far as i can see its going to hit the private motorist hard and the governments coffers too. all those sales reps in company cars and vans will simply put the congestion charge down as a busness expense and claim it back in the tax alownaces at the end of the road. as most of the gass guselers in the more expensive end of the markets are company carsits not going to have a big effect on keeping down the emmitions.

as my truck is registered privatly but insured and used for work purposes any congestion charge or tax on milage will be put down as a business expens and ill claim it on my tax allowance at the end of the year. as i average about 40,000 miles a year for work thats a lot of tax to offset. the bit i get stung for is the other 20,000 private and family use.
oh and im on a milage alowance for my miles anyway the charge would just be aded to that.
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