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Tax disk......


Posting Guru
Hey peeps, the other day i wen ton line and orderd my new tax disk, nice and easy, no problems...

But my current disk expires today and the new one hasnt arrived yet.. What is the legality of driving with the old disk in the window, which will expire at midnight tonight??

Am i still insured/legal, as a check will show i have paid for my new tax starting tomorrow..

Mmmm Well on any police checks you will probably come back as taxed. But of course if you park your motor in town a traffic warden/police officer may spot it and give you a ticket! Its all a calculated risk. I would drive my motr from home to work, but no further really if i didn't have the tax displayed!

Certainly wouldn't park it in town!
Its illigal not to disply your tax disc.. Ask a motorbike rider. Most of the motorcyclists hide their tax disc under the seat or at home as they are so often nicked. This is unfortunatly illegal even though the bike is taxed!
Wouldnt have a clue. Though it reminds me of a van parked illeagally on the curb out side our house with no tax. Traffic warden didnt want to know and a policman walking past said not alot he could do?? Too much paperwork i guess:rolleyes:
A mate had this problem over xmas, its okay as long as you display the receipt you get when you buy online, it has some sort of reference number on it. (BTW that advice from the DVLA)
As the current law in the UK stands, any mechanically propelled vehicle when used or kept on a public road must display a valid tax disc.
Exemptions are
• Fire engines
• Ambulances
• Some agricultural vehicles
• Electrically propelled vehicles
• Invalid carriages
• Road construction vehicles
• Vehicles used solely for spreading material to deal with frost, ice and snow

Vehicles are also exempt only when:
• Going to a test centre for a pre-booked MOT, stipulating the time and date
• On an MOT test
• After failing an MOT test, for the purpose of taking the vehicle to a pre- booked appointment at a garage to have the faults rectified.

A common misconception is the so called grace period such as 'my road fund licence ran out last night. Can I drive it for 14 days until I get another one?'
No. There is no 14 day 'grace'. You must have a valid road fund licence.

As the law stands if you are not displaying a valid licence you can be prosecuted, sorry.
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All this online ordering is a good idea until the Postman Pat lets you down, one of the reasons I will not order/apply for stuff online.

Did you receive a email conformation ? when you SORN a vechicle you normally get a ref number to quote the authorites while waiting your letter

Round here the plods use a online camera system to check vechicles passing, it checks tax, insurance & MOT's always busy the first week of a new month

I don't know if you are legal, but was told theres a website which tells you the tax history of any car in the uk just using the reg no. Can't find it !
Sorry, but another misconception with the on line or phone ordering system of acquiring a road fund tax disc, is not displaying the disc because it is in the post from DVLA this is not a valid excuse, as you should have ordered it before the expiry date. You can also be prosecuted for not displaying the disc if it it has been lost in the post.
It looks like the old system of acquiring a tax disc from the Post Office is the only truly safe way if you wait until the last day that is.
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I'll be honest, im not that fussed as i dont drive it during the week

Dorris does :D

Seriously, just checking, cause i dont want her to get a fine, and if the worst should hapen, dont want the insurence company to turn around and use failing to display a valid disk as a get out ....

DVLA this is not a valid excuse, as you should have ordered it before the expiry date. You can also be prosecuted for not displaying the disc if it it has been lost in the post.
It looks like the old system of acquiring a tax disc from the Post Office is the only truly safe way if you wait until the last day that is.

I orderd three or four dyas ago, plenty of time i thought :(

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I'll be honest, im not that fussed as i dont drive it during the week

Dorris does :D

Seriously, just checking, cause i dont want her to get a fine, and if the worst should hapen, dont want the insurence company to turn around and use failing to display a valid disk as a get out ....


I orderd three or four dyas ago, plenty of time i thought :(

Toppa, I was in no way intimating that you had not ordered your disc in time.:o I was only pointing out the interpretations of the law.
As you are a Land Rover owner and as such, obviously you follow the letter of the law meticulously, and never make any mistakes. In fact it is well known among academics that those that drive the oval badged vehicles are supreme beings that can do no wrong.;) :rolleyes:
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Toppa, I was in no way intimating that you had not ordered your disc in time.:o I was only pointing out the interpretations of the law.
As you are a Land Rover owner and as such, obviously you follow the letter of the law meticulously, and never make any mistakes. In fact it is well known among academics that those that drive the oval badged vehicles are supreme beings that can do no wrong.;) :rolleyes:

LOL, wasnt having a go, just meant i had orderd in what i though was plenty of time.. aparently i didnt :D

Just gave the news to dorris, of course this is somehow my fault, that MY truck/pride and joy/very reason for living is not legal for her to use to go to work! The landy she treats like any other car, she just dosnt relise how lucky she is to get to drive a landy everyday!!

Oh well, maybe it will arrive tomorrow, she wants to drive it anyway,,,, :O

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info from dvla web site

I have not received the tax disc. What should I do?

If the tax disc has not arrived after 5 working days, please telephone us between 8am to 8.30pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 5.30pm Saturdays on 0870 850 4444. When you make the call, please have the Reference Number available and choose option 4 then option 1.
It looks like the old system of acquiring a tax disc from the Post Office is the only truly safe way if you wait until the last day that is.

Even that does not always work

had the correct current V5, MOT,Insurance cert + reminder note, told "Computer says no" had to SORN it online that evening to avoid the fine, Then had to ring up various DLVA departments to be told Post Office staff had made a basic error imputing the data.

I've had nothing but problems in the last 12 months trying just to tax the vechicles

If you purchase it online and given a Ref number why can't that do for a "grace period" . The 2 week before period is not enough esp. if going on holiday etc. If its all online then the authorities should be able to check

I have been told by an insurance clerk that it might be illegal to keep a car without insurance unless it is SORN'ed even though it is kept off road but cannot find any information about it, another thing to sort out
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All a copper will do is give you a CLE26 form which is stuck to your windscreen. This then gets sent off to the DVLA who will check if you are taxed and send you a shirty letter with a notice of impending prosecution. Failing to display as far as I know is a £60 non-endorsable fine even if it is classed as taxed - though I'm not sure if a copper would give you one if you were reasonable to them and explained the reasons why you weren't displaying it.
Tis more than 60 quid IIRC, its written on the back of the tax disc how much failure to display is...... have a look on yours toppa:D

Cheers, Ben
All this online ordering is a good idea until the Postman Pat lets you down, one of the reasons I will not order/apply for stuff online.

Did you receive a email conformation ? when you SORN a vechicle you normally get a ref number to quote the authorites while waiting your letter

Round here the plods use a online camera system to check vechicles passing, it checks tax, insurance & MOT's always busy the first week of a new month

I don't know if you are legal, but was told theres a website which tells you the tax history of any car in the uk just using the reg no. Can't find it !

I have been told by an insurance clerk that it might be illegal to keep a car without insurance unless it is SORN'ed even though it is kept off road but cannot find any information about it, another thing to sort out

Nonsense insurance is only required when a vehicle is been driven on a public highway. If it's sorn'd it's not allowed on a public highway. So no you don't need insurance.

However some companies do fire+theft insurance where the vehicle is laid up for a long period. So your covered if some scrote steals it or it goes up in flames while you're welding the petrol tank :eek: :eek: .
That's the fine imposed after being prosecuted by the DVLA. A copper can only hand you out a £60 fine and report youto teh DVLA. It's a non-endorsable so no points. Been there, done that!!

ANPR (Automatic Numberplate Recognition) is a big thing at the moment round here with the ANPR vans checking most cars coming into and out of Merseyside.
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