So, if you were Iraqi and running away bravely, and you knew (from all the TV coverage) that the coalition wouldn't shoot at anything with an orange panel on it's roof...what would you put on your roof?
ID panels are only one
aid to recognition and visual cues are usually a last resort so saying "The vehicle wore orange panels, why did they shoot? Bloody cowboys" is a little convenient. The conversation clearly mentions intelligence stating there were no friendly forces in the area of the attack, which contradicts the visual cues.
So, (at 600 knots, inverted, pulling 6g) your eyes are telling you it's friendly but your ears are hearing they're not, and all the time you're under immense pressure to "do the right thing".
Assume they're friendly, let them go, and then they turn out to be a convoy squirelling Saddam away somewhere. Then what? Would that be any less unforgiveable?
Although the tape gives the impression the A10 drivers had all the time in the World, flying in combat involves split second yes/no decisions (trust me, it does). It was very,
very tragic but my view is that this was a genuine case of the fog of war and there was also a gross break down in communication, not just visually between the aircraft and the ground.
This whole issue about the orange marker panels is just one aspect of a much bigger scenario. Needless to say I'm not going to disclose how CAPs are allocated targets. Suffice to say it's a lot more complex than just "Orange = goodies. Anything else = baddies".
In this case the two A10s chose to ignore the positive cues and follow the negative ones, that was their decision, one they have the authority to make as aircraft commanders and one they will now have to live and die with. Choosing the other path could've been deemed to be equally unprofessional.
Sadly, this is just another case of trial by media.
The Sun/BBC/Sky hate our involvement in Iraq or anything else to do with the US so they're hardly gonna be full of understanding are they? For what it's worth I've come face to face with Scum reporters in a warzone. Along with the worthless rag previously edited by Pierced Organ they really are a wart on the ar$e of journalism and care nothing for the real details and just want easy-to-read soundbites to throw at all the instant experts watching at home on satellite.
I recall when we went Taliban-bashing last summer the Sun were all over it, and who do you think was providing CAS for that and in what aircraft type? On that occasion they were absolutely outstanding....something the Sun appeared to ommit from their report.