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The "normal things going on" thread.

So continued with my new normal and rode my motto guzzi to the mot station today didn’t all go as planned had 3 goes at getting there 😂 didn’t get off the drive twice and only got to the end once it developed carb issues and then a spark plug died but I had a couple spare rode nice then to the mot station and back that’s the first time it’s been on the road for something like 15 years and two years since I rebuilt it


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Found some holes in the mortar in the external wall where we think the mice got in so I've been doing a bit of pointing. No evidence of them using those holes but they did look rather clean.

Indeed is amazing what small holes they can get in

Few years back I kept seeing mouse droppings under the sink in the cupboard and couldn’t work how they were getting in

Got fed up so I removed the waste pipe and found they were living in the cavity wall insulation as they had made a hole for nesting

After many months found they were coming from my previous neighbours next door who just chucked food waste out in their garden

The mice went all the way through the cavity from there house and onto my sink cupboard , sealed around the pipe and after a few weeks they disappeared and thought that was the end of it , but no there’s more 🤣

Would often leave my kitchen door open so my dog candy could go in and out at her leisure , one evening whilst watching TV I saw them out the corner of my eye coming across the front room floor and onto candy’s food bowl that contained her dog biscuits

Watched them in disbelief for around 5 x minutes watching them go back and forth

Found some excellent rat traps from the states which were very effective along with poison , placed it inside some of the rat boxes so that candy couldn’t get hold of the poison

Really didn’t like using the poison but had to get rid of them and looking out the back bedroom window the rats had migrated to under next doors wooden deck seeing they kept throwing there food out there door without placing it on a bin

Spoke to them about the rats and was very polite and asked if they would be so kind to put there black bags in the bins

In the end I caught around 10 x rats as they had burrowed under my fence and under the corner of my concrete patio slab

Da, sorry as I’m waffling away 🤣
So continued with my new normal and rode my motto guzzi to the mot station today didn’t all go as planned had 3 goes at getting there 😂 didn’t get off the drive twice and only got to the end once it developed carb issues and then a spark plug died but I had a couple spare rode nice then to the mot station and back that’s the first time it’s been on the road for something like 15 years and two years since I rebuilt it

May I say what a gorgeous bike that is, funny enough my son just bought a bike

Really miss bikes as there was nothing like riding through the countryside in the summertime

Adored my Honda 250 superdream , I was around 18 in 1984 and it started come rain or shine as used it going to work when I was an apprentice as certainly couldn’t afford a car at the time


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My parents house has a room which is basically a glorified storage room, today found lots of fresh mouse droppings. Not what we need at Christmas. 😟

We found droppings in a cupboard in the kitchen, I told Laura it was probably mice getting in through a hole and that I'd seal it up with expanding foam and wire wool (they don't like chewing through that).


"Hello, can I have some expanding foam and some mouse traps please?"

I'd set them every evening after she went to bed and check them each morning before she woke up. On the second day I'd caught one but the trap had grabbed it by the loose skin on its haunches, like a cat carrying a kitten. I took it outside and administered a .22 lead injection. Third day I got a clean kill on another and then nothing after that. They've not been back since.

Doing a bit of pointing is always sensible, hopefully it does the trick?

I think with Laura she'd be happy with my methods but rather not know about them?
Indeed is amazing what small holes they can get in

Few years back I kept seeing mouse droppings under the sink in the cupboard and couldn’t work how they were getting in

Got fed up so I removed the waste pipe and found they were living in the cavity wall insulation as they had made a hole for nesting

After many months found they were coming from my previous neighbours next door who just chucked food waste out in their garden

The mice went all the way through the cavity from there house and onto my sink cupboard , sealed around the pipe and after a few weeks they disappeared and thought that was the end of it , but no there’s more 🤣

Would often leave my kitchen door open so my dog candy could go in and out at her leisure , one evening whilst watching TV I saw them out the corner of my eye coming across the front room floor and onto candy’s food bowl that contained her dog biscuits

Watched them in disbelief for around 5 x minutes watching them go back and forth

Found some excellent rat traps from the states which were very effective along with poison , placed it inside some of the rat boxes so that candy couldn’t get hold of the poison

Really didn’t like using the poison but had to get rid of them and looking out the back bedroom window the rats had migrated to under next doors wooden deck seeing they kept throwing there food out there door without placing it on a bin

Spoke to them about the rats and was very polite and asked if they would be so kind to put there black bags in the bins

In the end I caught around 10 x rats as they had burrowed under my fence and under the corner of my concrete patio slab

Da, sorry as I’m waffling away 🤣
When I was a child a wood mouse got into my bedroom and I woke up to strange noises in the night. I'd left my school bad on the bedroom floor and that had some mini muffins wrapped in clingfilm inside. Or it had them in. The mouse had pulled the pair of muffins out the bag and was busy pulling them across the bedroom floor!

I think these ones could have potentially got in through a section of wall where a power cable runs through. There was some grass material in the hole and no way it could have got there accidentally.

In the last storm the ivy growing up the wall of the house rolled down so we had to cut it off at the base. Wouldn't be surprised it that dehoused a few things.

We found droppings in a cupboard in the kitchen, I told Laura it was probably mice getting in through a hole and that I'd seal it up with expanding foam and wire wool (they don't like chewing through that).


"Hello, can I have some expanding foam and some mouse traps please?"

I'd set them every evening after she went to bed and check them each morning before she woke up. On the second day I'd caught one but the trap had grabbed it by the loose skin on its haunches, like a cat carrying a kitten. I took it outside and administered a .22 lead injection. Third day I got a clean kill on another and then nothing after that. They've not been back since.

Doing a bit of pointing is always sensible, hopefully it does the trick?

I think with Laura she'd be happy with my methods but rather not know about them?
One of our old neighbours had chickens and as a result we got the larger cousins visiting. We put out traps to kill them but one day my dad found a mouse trapped by its tail in one of the traps. Nobody could bring themselves to kill it so just released it along way away from the house.
I once had one of those clear plastic bird feeders that have suckers that cling to the window. Right in the middle of a 4ft square pane of glass. There was a mouse sat filling it's face in it one morning. Godz only know how it got in there! Batman feet, maybe?
Dropped down from above perhaps?
If you can get a pencil in a hole, a mouse can get through it. They can also scale 4' of smooth(ish) wall and get through a boiler vent. They don't like wire wool.

I also remember having one of those fat ball feeders made out of a small log for the birds. It was hanging from a bracket on the side of my shed. And one day I spotted a mouse quite happily sitting in it.
One of the strangest things I have ever seen was a rat, lying on its back holding an egg, being dragged by another rat.

We also relined the granary having blocked a rat hole with broken glass, bent nails and cemented over. The next morning they had pushed all the cement, glass and bent nails back out.
One of the strangest things I have ever seen was a rat, lying on its back holding an egg, being dragged by another rat.

We also relined the granary having blocked a rat hole with broken glass, bent nails and cemented over. The next morning they had pushed all the cement, glass and bent nails back out.
I have got fed up with being annoyed with them .. and i will not use poison on a mouse .. the long tails however are a different matter ..... but thankfully i have never seen or had one here at home ..
Day 7 after contracting the Flu and I'm finally starting to feel relatively normal although still weak. I haven't had it for a few years and I'd forgotten how hard it can hit. I guess at 56 years old it's about time I start getting the vaccination on a yearly basis...
Day 7 after contracting the Flu and I'm finally starting to feel relatively normal although still weak. I haven't had it for a few years and I'd forgotten how hard it can hit. I guess at 56 years old it's about time I start getting the vaccination on a yearly basis...
I stopped having the vaccination as it gave me the flu every time. Not had it since 6 years.
Day 7 after contracting the Flu and I'm finally starting to feel relatively normal although still weak. I haven't had it for a few years and I'd forgotten how hard it can hit. I guess at 56 years old it's about time I start getting the vaccination on a yearly basis...
Sometimes having the vaccination can make you feel Yuk for a few days ..I normally stay in bed and sweat it out and dose myself up if possible…
Hope you feel better soon .🙏🏼
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