they used to be called houses.
landlords are allowed to get away with far to much.
Our Landlord is a Reverend, I don't know whether that is a good thing or a bad thing, I will let you know when our first 6 months here comes up in the next month or 2![]()
cheers, Tim
i think people with more than one house , ahem , property should either be very heavely taxed or sent to bed without any supper.
and very illegal... HMO regulations state this and the penalty os very steep. advise her to get out of it before she gets herself in trouble with the environmental agency and immigration!!A friend is renting room to Polish atm at £50 per head a wk. 6 people to a room. Her neighbour rents her garage! Her lastest idea was to buy some victorian property & having them restore it for her for free. Not very sensible me thinks.
buy to let sounds too much like buy toilet.
personally i think people with more than one house , ahem , property should either be very heavely taxed or sent to bed without any supper.
also landlords should be 'professionalised' and regulated better.
landlords are allowed to get away with far to much.
Not illegal immigrants so far as I'm aware.and very illegal... HMO regulations state this and the penalty os very steep. advise her to get out of it before she gets herself in trouble with the environmental agency and immigration!!
deal with stress you wouldnt believe
HMO regs state that if they are from different families they need a HMO license to rent that house or part of the house to them. The way you have described it is illegal 6 people to a room in her house = at least 2 differem families and i suspect it's mor elikely to be 6 different families plus her and her family if she has one.Not illegal immigrants so far as I'm aware.
If the same sex then there is a required amount of square foot per person proportional to the overall size of the house that they share.
As for the neighbour putting mattressess down in her garage, I'm inclined to agree with you that the chances are it would not be suitable living accomadation. Perhaps if it's classed as 'camping' then it would be viewed differently.
I happen to think it's exploitation regardless of the fact that it may well be within the law.
There again when seeing how some people are reduced to abject poverty in their own countries, with none of the amieneties that we take for granted & complain so redily about them. I can't say as I'm suprised that people will put up with things that we think of as unbearable. Worse still is the prejudice shown to those who are trying to lift themselves out of poverty.
HMO regs state that if they are from different families they need a HMO license to rent that house or part of the house to them. The way you have described it is illegal 6 people to a room in her house = at least 2 differem families and i suspect it's mor elikely to be 6 different families plus her and her family if she has one.
An entire house or flat which is let to 3 or more tenants who form 2 or more households and who share a kitchen, bathroom or toilet. (For a definition of household see the relevant question under faqs.)
Unless she has a HMO license it is still illegal. HMO are very tough... Mains fire alarm, all fire doors, fire extinguishers, more than one fre escape, burglar alarm (some high category) and the likes. And if she doesn't have one and is caught the fines are very steep. Likewise if one of her tenants lodges a complaint with the EHO she is legally bound to give them back ALL of the money they have paid her for rent and also pay any damages/claims. It's risky business! So risky that many landlords now don't want to have more than 3 people sharing a house. I know 2 who have turned 2 bedrooms into a lounge and a dining room in a student house to get around the rules and regs. Yes they lose money but they don't have to provide the alarms and security stuff which cost an arm and a leg!Ok.. I'll give some more detail in the hope to allay your fears & when we next speak to her I'll pass on the information you have provided.. Thanks for that.
Her Uncle moved fairly recently to be nearer.. ie: bought a 3 or 4 bedroomed (bathroom downstairs & an en-suite) property opersite where she lived. He died on holiday, leaving her the house so she rented it out.
Her first call to us was worded as such to make it sound like it was easy to pack 6 ppl to a room, ie: there is a great demand for people wanting to live & work in this country & send money back home to their poorer relatives.
Her neighbour is Polish & first suggested she take people in. That's about as much as I know for now.