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The roller coaster continues


Just when I thought H was getting back to his normal self it all starts again.
On 12th of Jan I took him back to the vets because his breathing was becoming a bit loud, it was thought he may have thickening of the soft pallet (quite a common prob in older dogs), but after all he'd been through my vet was very reluctant to knock him out and put a scope down his windpipe to confirm it, so he was prescribed antibiotics, as there was no improvement I went back and they decided they'd better do the op so I took him in on 23rd, I got a phonecall at 3pm to say they couldn't attempt it as his breathing was getting really bad, so he was referred to a heart and lung specialist in Warwickshire, my own vet took us there straight away, after a consultation there that vet said it was out of his league and referred H to another specialist nr Luton, so we had a mad dash down the M1, H was admitted and operated on immediately, apparently another 24hours and he'd have died. He has had 8 rings of scarred windpipe removed (the maximum that can be removed), which is assumed was damaged by stomach acid coming up and going down the wrong way because he was unable to cough when he was in such a comatosed state after the bowel op.
The op has been a success, though he is still in Luton recovering, the next 2-3 weeks are the testing time, as this op alone can cause scarring and if the same happens there will be no more windpipe to play with, but at least he's now on antibiotics and steroids to try and prevent it.
My vet has been an absolute pillar in all this, he's certainly in his proffesion because of his love of animals.
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So really really sorry to read this Vicky, you know we'll all be willing and helping him through this time, just like the last time. Love to you both. :squeeze::squeeze: Adrian and Kate.
Cor' crikey Vicky, after all that Harry is still in the wars? Poor old pooch, he doesn't deserve that. It sounds like the people involved in helping him are top people though, so I'm sure he's going to be okay.

Come on 'H', we're all rooting for you! And I hope this whole business isn't getting you down Vicky - it sounds like you are part of the cure.

Thanks for good wishes everyone.
I collected H on Monday, but he's to go back on Sun for another endoscopy to check what's happening, so he'll stay there till Tues. He's not too good at the moment as he's reacted to the steroids and had to stop taking them, the worrying thing is it's those that are stopping more scaring of the windpipe, I'll try to keep you informed, but haven't been on my PC much lately.
Thanks again
Hi Vicky. Im so sad to hear about H, how is he doing today :( you must be devastated after all what you have all been through. I was really hoping he would be better by now. please keep us posted

hugs from Maggie and Jack xxxx
Sorry I haven't updated you all for a while, but I was getting paranoid that everytime I said things were going well, something bad happened again, but as it's almost 6 weeks since H's throat op and I was told it's unlikely anything will happen after 4 weeks, I thought I'd let you all know he's doing well, his broncoscopy showed everything to be healing well and he has been gradually building his strength up over the last couple of weeks, he's certainly getting back to his normal self, barking at cars and pulling on the lead, though he does get tired easy.
Photo is from yesterday.


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Great news Vicky :)

Fingers crossed he's over the worst and it's all plain sailing from now on.

Give him a treat from me (and Elle)

Attaboy Harry! I've just got in and when I saw the thread, the old heart lurched a bit. Terrific news, terrific picture, terrific dog - well pleased for you both Vicks. :) :) :)

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