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Tractors, what tractors?

Peter Cowin

I was sent to London last weekend and stayed in Kensington.:(
Having nothing better to do I had a wander round the place, like you do.;)
The news media kept telling me that that part of London was full of 4x4 but over the Sunday and Monday I could only see about 8 2 x Range Rovers, 2 x Plastic Porche, 2 x Blinged BMW's, a Rave 4 and a silly Suzuki. I checked the place out at both the Monday moring rush hour and the evening one. :confused:
Does this mean that RED Ken, the newt lover, has been lying to us? The way he keeps going on & on about this subject made me thing that there were thousands and thousands of 4x4 crushing everything in there path. :D
My life is in tatters a Politician lying to me, I am in shock.
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