the frenchy
In Second Gear
Excuse me for my english but I'm french
I search some informations to convert a 110 2,8 internationnal manual gearbox, to an auto
I know that the Auto gearbox of a disco 300 tdi is compatible.
But ashcroft wouldn't recommend this set up with ???
Do you have some information about this
And do you have teh serial number of a disco 300 tdi gearbox, because we proposes one of them to me, but I want to check that it is well the good
Excuse me for my english but I'm french
I search some informations to convert a 110 2,8 internationnal manual gearbox, to an auto
I know that the Auto gearbox of a disco 300 tdi is compatible.
But ashcroft wouldn't recommend this set up with ???
Do you have some information about this
And do you have teh serial number of a disco 300 tdi gearbox, because we proposes one of them to me, but I want to check that it is well the good