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Warning Lights


In Third Gear
A neighbour of mine has a Discovery and since friday he has 3 warning lights permanantly on

1= ABS (glowing orange)
2= TC (glowing orange)
3 = Not sure what this 1 is,taking a guess at Diff Lock,Its 2 axels with wheels on end and an X inside a circle between them (glowing red)

Because of the nature and times of his work he cannot get to a dealer anytime soon and he is wondering if he is doing harm to continue driving it with these lights on

Any help would be appreciated
If the vehicle is stuck in difflock,it could well confuse both traction control and ABS as the wheels will not turn as their programmes expect.

Assuming that it is,the handbook recommends reversing,to unwind the transmission and release it.
Or ,he could try driving onto some soft ground and hope it unwinds itself.

To quote the handbook...."However,if after two or three attempts to unwind the transmission,the light remains on,consult your dealer AS SOON AS POSSIBLE."

Excessive strain will be put on the transmission with continued use and the tyres will wear quickly.

If it were mine,and I could not unlock the centre diff,I would park the vehicle up,rather than use it and risk breaking something expensive, until I could get it fixed.

As Nick says, and you could use a trolley jack and lift one wheel up. If it's wound the transmission, it will cause the wheel to spin and let go.

Well we had a go at reversing with no success so we jacked up 1 wheel and it spun 1 full turn but then stopped and lights remained on.
We dont have any soft ground around here to try on (council wouldnt be too happy if we used the park :))

He's going to contact the Dealer tomorrow and get it booked in.

Thanks again for trying to help guys.
As it's got TC I'm assuming it's a Series 2 Disco, in which case it's unlikely to have difflock fitted.
As such the most common cause is a duff ABS sensor on one of the wheels. A trip to the dealer and Testbook would confirm whether this is the case.

He went to work this morning and after about 5 miles the lights went out and (touch wood) they havent come back on again :)

Thanks again guys for your help.
Had the same with my TD5 coincedently it went for some bodywork and the battery was disconnected for a week whilst the work was done . No problem since so i supect ecu issues .
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