Like a good welding thread see what others use..and get up to..
I've had welders of one sort or another all my working life , and do know that it's something you need to be doing fairly regularly to be reasonable proficient..
it's the smaller more intricate stuff that is more difficult ..
With the need to be welding up motors and bodywork becoming less necessary and getting into metal work in a bigger way as a hobby I settled on gas welding gear about 15 years ago..
I still keep a stick welder for some jobs but the gas even with it's drawbacks was far more flexible and useful on the general metalwork side..
Which brings me to my any of you who do a bit of gas welding have or ever used the dhc2000 torch..
It's been my weapon of choice and all I really know on the gas welding side.. other than college classes I've never used what you would call conventional gas welding gear , and I've never compared notes with anyone else who has the gear I've mentioned Ie the dhc torch.. which I find strange..I thought there may be a few other DIY welders out there who have at least tried it..
My last little job, just last week on the inner door skin on my trucks drivers door was completed successfully due to been able to deal with very thin steel which had basically ripped in two places..making the door handle rather spongey when you pulled it..
Took longer to strip the glass and bits out of the door than do the welding..
the previous owner had tried brazing, which all had to be removed before I could weld it.. and then when that had failed they had tried riveting a thin plate across one of the tears.. which had also given up with the continual flexing..
, but all sorted now hopefully