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Cardan joint removal


Shifting Up
I've just overhauled my D2 front prop and wanted to share a tip.

The trickiest part of this for the home mechanic is removing the center bearing and cup, looking online it seems that the advice is to use a slide hammer, the tricky part is getting something to grip onto, you see photos of one leg of a gear puller hooked inside and wedged with a screwdriver. My problem was that I don't have a slide hammer...

Here is another way.

Pick out the needles, spin the ball around so that the small hole is upwards, take an anchor bolt (the all metal type used in masonry that has a tapered cone which is drawn into the bolt to expand the body) pop this into the hole and tighten the bolt to expand inside the ball under the lip of the small hole. Grip the bolt in a vice and give the housing a couple of sharp taps... Watch your toes because off it comes! Just take your new bearing along to the hardware store to pick out a suitable bolt, it should be around £1.
276b0609d6ef6740d96f625b56c1f394_zpsqi5j12rq.jpgHere is a photo of the removed bearing with bolt still attached and a similar expanding bolt unused. The size was 10mm
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