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Petrol, Diesel or PHEV


In Second Gear
Hi everyone, looking for some advise as to what type of Disco would suite me best. I'm going to check with JLR too, but wanted to get some non-salesperson advice

My driving behavior is:

- Most days a commute to the office/ school run/ shopping etc within my town. So, urban driving, plenty of stop / start at traffic lights, mainly below 30mph. Total mileage per day would not exceed 20 miles. Could quite possibly be around the 10 miles mark depending on how busy I am.

- Maybe once a week (not always though), I'd drive to London and have some driving there. Total distance to destination is 100 miles. Most of that would be motorway driving, but obviously once I am in London area there tends to be a lot of traffic. I would have a charger at the start and destination. So basically would leave with a full EV charge.

I absolutely love the Disco sport so have my heart set on that, no pure electric car grabs me at the moment. I'm mainly looking into fuel economy differences between the three versions at the moment (diesel, petrol, PHEV).

From what I have read (please correct me if I am wrong):

The Diesel model (D200) with its 41.2mpg would be best for the motorway driving, but not at all efficient for the daily commutes that I have given the low mileage. In fact, reading around, I may even end up damaging the engine. This leaves the Petrol (say P250) or PHEV (p300e). The P250 has an mpg of 29.8mpg. Although the p300e has an mpg of 143.1mpg and would be super for my daily commute, I need to factor in that the drive to London would be 35 miles on electric and then 65 miles on petrol, meaning a small petrol engine lugging around the big old Disco and it's battery. I could feasibly rapid charge on the way (take a small break for a coffee and check email) since there are some cheap ones on the motorway, but I've heard frequent rapid charging is bad for the battery. So that based on the fact that I won't be charging midway, that leaves 65 miles on the petrol only which, reading other people's posts, is around 28mpg.

Any recommendations of which car? The PHEV sounds the best given that the difference between the petrol mpg and PHEV mpg is so small, but wanted to check I didn't have my understanding incorrect.
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