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Quote of the week...

:) 'holding their feebledrabes with oily hands when going for a pee.'

I have a theory about how mechanics are formed genetically via a similar poor attention to oily hands and appendages....
I wont elaborate more than using the word 'residue' :eek: and pointing out that I'm the 4th generation of mechanic in my family. I also have two sons, both spanner cars and now the grandsons are joining in too !! :D Ep90 clearly does more than oil your gears ! ;)
genuinely, i read it as feelerblades. i thought to myself why would holding feelerblades give them cancer ?

then i noticed it actually said feebledrabes, and still non the wiser :D is drabe regional dialect for gonads ?
hahaha, I have no idea. My mother used to say it when i was little and getting a wash (always a wash at the bathroom sink in a freezing cold bathroom. No shower until I was a teenager) "wash behind your ears and don't forget your feebledrabes" It could be a dialect thing - she's originally from borehamwood (sp?) it sounds more like the sort of nonsense word my Bonpa would have said. (Mother's dad - her mum is Belgian so my maternal parents have always been Nenen and Bonpa - equivalent to granny and grandad/nana and pappy I suppose)

oh yeah, and yes, it means your (male) reproductive paraphenalia
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