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Staff member
Okay everyone, we are back, and on a brand new server, apologies to all the hassle of late, sometimes things can end up beyond our control through no fault of of our own.

Our original hosting company started to have several problems a little over a year ago, involving both the server and the domains they were hosting, including their own domains. Because of these problem we had technical problems accessing the rear end of the server preventing us from upgrading our forum software and stopping the errors that were occurring.

Also, we noted that some people have been saying else where that the forum was in debt and had not been paying it's bills, pity those people did not know the facts of the situation, as it has had nothing to do with what has been happening, obviously they like to spread those negative waves.

We discovered that our previous top end domain name has been purchased by another party, it should be clarified that they never made contact with us or our hosting company prior them doing this. Luckily, this has allowed us to go in the direction that we wished to move in and go back to a domain that better describes our forum, after all, everyone knows we are LRUK forums. So we will not be attempting to buy back lrukforums at some high rate, we would rather spend our funds on bring you a much improved forum now we have full access to a new server.

Now the future, we are now on a brand new server, which as you may notice, it is a lot faster, we are also planning on various changes to the forum, those that want to help please drop me a line, and we can discuss it further.

What will be happening soon though is forum software upgrades, once we have funds, we are planning on changing from vB to xenforo, we may in the meantime upgrade to vB5, as we already have the full license for this. We also have a host of new features that we want to bring on stream.

So as the famous man says, less of the negative waves man, this is a family friendly forum, and we are looking forward to the positive future for us all.
I'd just like to add....

Thank you to all of you who stuck with LRUK through it all. It is very much appreciated.

I would also like to thank the staff and members of Landyzone (www.landyzone.co.uk) for their patience. Like many members here, I shall continue to visit there. Thanks guys.

Looking forward to the future!
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Well done to all involved in getting the site back up - and recovering all its depth of knowledge posted over the years. I was in withdrawal and thinking back to the dark days when I was finding out how to do things the hard way, especially as this winter I intend to do my first ever gearbox rebuild.

If I can help at all please let me know (not much skill with web based stuff but over 40 years computer experience and at least I am retired so have some time)
- I will make another donation asap to help to the cause.


i did wonder if mystery benefactor (who bought lrukforums domain) might also try and stake a claim in the actual forum content. i'm sure there was no malice in this, but as we expected the forum was still "owned", and this new domain fixes that and gives you control so thats cool.

p.s i will stick a few posts up on facebook about the new domain name, because i didnt actually know until steve above emailed me. is there a global email you could ping out to registered users ? just a thought.

p.s good work getting it sorted, and am genuinely glad :)
Fantastic news, and a big thankyou to all those involved in bringing the forum back. And i'm sure i speak for everyone when I say how good it is to see Big Sandy posting on the forum again. He was sorely missed.

Heres lookng forward to the future!

Hey guys have you sent out a mass email to all members informing them of the domain change? If you have, I didn't receive one. The thing is (and sorry if I'm stating obvious), a lot of members won't have a clue how to find this place. Google ranking will be totally rubbish too so new members are gonna be few and far between. There really needs to be a drive to find all the old users. I only know about this domain as Sandy posted it on the LZ thread.
. I only know about this domain as Sandy posted it on the LZ thread.

Spammed about it, you mean....:D

We are working on it. Got to be careful with mass emailings, though it sounds like the ideal solution we don't want to end up getting blacklisted. In the meantime, tell your friends! :)

Posting to busy threads is one way, as that will send a notification email to those who have subscribed, but obviously not to everybody. It will reach some though.
OK. Would a mass private message have less risk of being picked up as spam? I don't often use other forums tbh or I would probably put the info in my signatures on them. An idea for others?
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