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The weather today


Big Landy Fan
When did Ireland get a monsoon season?

Went out to the shed to grab something 2 hrs ago and stuck here ever since. Good job I keep a secret stash in the back of the shed 'for emergencies!


  • 20200817_171043.webp
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That registers on my scale as "Quite a lot". - Quite a lot of food defrosting right now. o_O

We're still recovering from a lightning strike here that took out 20+ routers and connected equipment last week and the lines are still not back in some areas as they have had to replace quite a major chunk of the network including replacing a street cabinet. Has taken out quite a lot of equipment that was on LAN cable connected to routers as the strike jumped the line protection. Most routers aren't earthed at all - and therefore just pass the current onto the connected devices that are.

I always remember getting thunderstorms in the Summer but they may be getting more severe. We had flooding here about 8 years ago and we narrowly escaped wet feet by a mere 1/4". I am now taking steps to be better protected from the weather which puts me into the realm of "Prepper".
I have changed my garden design so it now has 8" raised beds around the outside of it. This forms an effective embankment to prevent flooding from that side. I also have 20+ potato planters - fabric bags with two handles containing soil, which can be deployed as sandbags if needed. I also have a pond for water, but with that is a water pump that can be relocated. I have added a land drain for surface water, but is a question of what happens when the drain system is overloaded. Last time water was still going down it and not coming up.
We have back-up cooking systems - camping gas, disposable BBQ charcoal, a woodpile and a crate of hexy stoves, as well as enough noodles and tinned food to last a while.
I have repaired 240v inverters, from smalI 300W up to a 1200W one, and enough batteries to last a few days. Also an old Honda suitcase generator with 4 cans of fuel for it. If all else fails I have a fully fitted campervan that we can live in.

I am now fitting surge protection to the phone line and a battery backup for the router. Electrical equipment is getting surge protected multiplugs (but are almost useless) but will be upgrading or building my own when I can. I am learning more as I go along.

I think the main thing to think about is reducing the effects of these things when they happen. To me flooding is the major issue, after that a long time without power that will waste food in the freezer, and beyond that the horror of not having internet.:eek: I don't think the kids would survive that.
Power just flip flopped a couple of times and my SAN just went pop. Will work out is it the ups, the rcd or the surge protection that's gone when the power comes back on again.
That registers on my scale as "Quite a lot". - Quite a lot of food defrosting right now. o_O

We're still recovering from a lightning strike here that took out 20+ routers and connected equipment last week and the lines are still not back in some areas as they have had to replace quite a major chunk of the network including replacing a street cabinet. Has taken out quite a lot of equipment that was on LAN cable connected to routers as the strike jumped the line protection. Most routers aren't earthed at all - and therefore just pass the current onto the connected devices that are.

I always remember getting thunderstorms in the Summer but they may be getting more severe. We had flooding here about 8 years ago and we narrowly escaped wet feet by a mere 1/4". I am now taking steps to be better protected from the weather which puts me into the realm of "Prepper".
I have changed my garden design so it now has 8" raised beds around the outside of it. This forms an effective embankment to prevent flooding from that side. I also have 20+ potato planters - fabric bags with two handles containing soil, which can be deployed as sandbags if needed. I also have a pond for water, but with that is a water pump that can be relocated. I have added a land drain for surface water, but is a question of what happens when the drain system is overloaded. Last time water was still going down it and not coming up.
We have back-up cooking systems - camping gas, disposable BBQ charcoal, a woodpile and a crate of hexy stoves, as well as enough noodles and tinned food to last a while.
I have repaired 240v inverters, from smalI 300W up to a 1200W one, and enough batteries to last a few days. Also an old Honda suitcase generator with 4 cans of fuel for it. If all else fails I have a fully fitted campervan that we can live in.

I am now fitting surge protection to the phone line and a battery backup for the router. Electrical equipment is getting surge protected multiplugs (but are almost useless) but will be upgrading or building my own when I can. I am learning more as I go along.

I think the main thing to think about is reducing the effects of these things when they happen. To me flooding is the major issue, after that a long time without power that will waste food in the freezer, and beyond that the horror of not having internet.:eek: I don't think the kids would survive that.
Our pond was 18" higher than I've ever seen it before so instead of breaching the bank had 2 submersible pumps running in it. SHMBO disturbed a Hornets nest and received a couple of the stings - I can't say where, but, I can say she's not sitting down at the moment.

We have gas hobs, a stone bbq/oven, and a 1000l rainwater harvester as our water goes off for at least 48hrs every time the power goes out. Our solar water heater needs power to drive the pump so contemplating a small PV system to support that and our freezers.
Have a Google for 'rocket stove', really good for cooking on. In some countries they use a similar design in the house, made of clay or adobe. Can be used to heat the house too, by carefully routing the flue.
I did like the Solo Bonfire if I was to buy one to travel with. It looks like a washing machine drum, but you can also store your firewood in there and other kit. I like it because it burns the smoke better than most. This is a DIY version.
Indeed leaves are just starting to turn here, won't be long until I spend every sodding weekend clearing up next doors oak leaves from the gutter, drains, car etc etc. Think this should be in What Grinds your gears :D
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