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What grinds YOUR gears??

The one that gets to me on here is the confusion in the spelling of "break" and "brake". At work, its other pretentious pr1cks ont he radios with their replies to ATC, like when given a new squawk code (the beacon that identifies us on radar) "1234 coming down", or when given a short cut like "Route direct Brookmans Park", replying "Direct to the park". Even checking in on a new frequency the same bunch annoy me: "London, it's the Speedbird xyz". Another one is the term "at this time" or, worse, "at this moment in time". What's wrong with "now"? Six syllables where one will do!:fire:
U all no wot I h8.

Woz at en M8?

Currently its my gripe that the term "PAT Testing" is acceptable and commonly used!

Unfortunatly I can't say much about my spelling, I know how to spell most things and the correct usage of break and brake. Doesn't mean my fingers type what my head says. :o
Prevaricate instead of procrastinate by BBC parliament reporters.
Glad to say 'synergy' is going out of use at work but now instead of being in an engineering design team we are '......Solutions' and I'm an 'architect'.
Don't 'arks' me what I think of the corruption of our language by sloppy pronunciation.
Oh and 'text me in' said every day by some radio presenter.
" Going forward" :(

and one from the Olympics...using medal as a verb " he is going to medal"

(sounds like he should be on the sex offenders register :D)
In terms of language... the incorrect use of "me", not only where "I" should be said instead of "me" but where it's incorrectly placed in a sentence. For example: "Me and my brother", should be "My brother and I".

Otherwise, the fact that we as a society are slowly loosing the principles of responsibility, ownership and accountability, always pushing the blame onto someone else.
That along with the fact that minorities now impose their demands on the majority through intensive political correctness.
And breathe (or should that be "And breath") ;)
The American terminology/slang, for example 24/7 and 7/7 for the London bombings, autopsy in stead of post-mortem.
An unfortunate by-product of the overwhelming presence of US films and TV programmes around the world. Much of their entertainment output is good quality, but it does all rub off on other countries because of the volume - most Dutch speak English with a mix of Dutch and American accent because of how much US TV they have.
Using long words or the wrong words to try to impress people.

We have a new partsman, asked me the other day " have you quantified the oil yet?"

Me "Do you mean , How much oil have I put in the engine?"

Him "Yes."

Me " Why don't you 'kin say that then.... k nob."

Vehicles are now in a "Holding pattern"
My speak, " We haven't started the job yet"

Or the trade saleman " I don't want to be too pacific" " " I think I'm on the wrong tarfy" ( phone tarriff)

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