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Series III - 2.25 Diesel heater plugs

That's exactly what I am thinking..... I just took the old switch in and got new one..I have a feeling its a Petrol one which I was given....There is a BIG fat brown in and also a small brown out to the empty fuse... rest seem ok...#1 definitely is correct. If this was a spark plug it would be working perfectly. But I did a lookup and it seems same switch covers all models ?
The ignition switches are not the same in the Land Rover SIII parts book (June 1988).
They are listed as: petrol 551508 diesel PRC2670
Both Paddock and Craddock list them separately too as: petrol 579085 diesel 579084
The diesel switch being the most expensive.
I have the switch its LUCAS 162SA, I spoke with the seller who said you probably wired it wrong but PIN 1 and 2 are the only large pins. Mine is currently PIN 1 large brown, 2 (coil/brown/red) 3 (white) 4 white/red 5 small brown (to spare fuse)
There is no power in from battery.. I swapped 1 and 2 around to match what you said but kills all dash (however still turns over) My only white wires are small pin so there is no way pin 2 will fit white/red
Nope my wiring is correct I am sure.. I just started it by cranking it for a while, then the glowplug light comes on.... then it starts...I notice my ignition key etc has a steering lock which none of the others seem to have. Everything else works... :(
I have the switch its LUCAS 162SA, I spoke with the seller who said you probably wired it wrong but PIN 1 and 2 are the only large pins. Mine is currently PIN 1 large brown, 2 (coil/brown/red) 3 (white) 4 white/red 5 small brown (to spare fuse)
If pin #1 & #2 of the new switch are the only large connections then the ignition switch is for a petrol engine.
The petrol ignition switch is wired as follows:
#1 power in from battery brown
#2 power out to brake/oil lights, wipers, indictors etc. white
#3 starter solenoid white/red
#4 not connected
http://www.landyzone.co.uk/lz/attac...-series-3-rewire-diesel-ign-switch-579084.jpg This is the switch which as per the link and title from another forum seems to be for a Diesel.

It looks like a petrol ignition switch to me.

There are basically four key positions with a diesel engine.
#1 Ignition off
#2 Ignition on
#3 Glow plugs on, everything else off.
#4 Starter operating and glow plugs on.
You need to ask yourself the question, When turning the key does the new ignition switch operate the glowplugs in an intermediate position (#3) between ingnition on and the starter operating?

If the switch does not give you position #3 it isn't a diesel ignition switch.
A bit of additional information.
I've looked up the LUCAS 162SA and this is the description I found:-
Land Rover series 3 petrol.
Defender 84 to LA932973 Petrol and Diesel models inc. 200 TDi to FA415402

Maybe this is the cause of the confusion where some people claim the LUCAS 162SA is used on diesel Land Rovers?
Hmmm thank you so much for your input its really helping me fathom it out.....I have the LUCAS box it came in and it clearly states DIESEL Ignition Switch. For it not to be right (and some of me hopes it isn't) #1 the last chap had to have the wrong one fitted #2 and Lucas box their part incorrectly. For both to be the case seems a bit of a stretch. WOW . That description is VERY misleading and I had to read it a few times to see what I was missing.
Unsure as I always believed 1 = off, 2= ignition on (at this point glow plugs come on) 3= cranking..... Do you have a link from where you got your spec from ? for the switch as I need something to get it returned and the correct sent out... in fact let me have a dig through my parts manual.
Here is what I know http://www.lrdirect.com/PRC2670-Starter-Switch-No-St-Lock-2.25D-Se/ this is the part my manual say will fit ... BUT It wont, its nothing like the one in there now. I have this one which JC say will fit http://www.johncraddockltd.co.uk/se...l/579084-switch-ignition-diesel-series-3.html... I am beginning to suspect someone may have done an ignition swap at some point which would explain why I have a severed wire on the ignition pull stop and a separate pull stop configured on the dash. But this is nowhere near the http://thumbs1.ebaystatic.com/d/l225/m/mwDyd4ZukT1LGH5sVJaqmUQ.jpg which the parts manual suggests but has no locking mechanism... pfffffffffffff I am so miffed and glad I don't need this anytime soon.
Sounds like your ignition pull stop is actually a Petrol Choke cable and your vehicle has been converted to diesel.
Diesel switch for column lock is 579084 you need the optionl parts catalogue no 2 pdf page 6 do a web search for Smithies landrover will bring up a NZ website of interest.
Which funnily enough looks like what you have.
When you have looked at NZ site have a look at the connection numbers on the 2.25 diesel wiring diagram as they are significantly different to what you have tried so far.
The vehicle is clean in history and is a fire engine conversion so I am confident it has always been Diesel. 579084 is the Diesel switch I have...Looking at the PDFs there they match with Diesel, my pull stop looks a lot different to the chokes in that picture.
If you look at my post #23 you will see four different part numbers.
Part numbers 551508 (petrol) and PRC2670 (diesel) are for early ignition switches without steering locks.
Part numbers 579085 (petrol) and 579084 (diesel) are for later ignition switches with steering locks.
The problem as I understand it, is that you cannot get the diesel glow plugs to operate by themselves when turning the ignition key.
On my series III when I turn the key in the ignition from the off position, the steering lock is released and the ignition light comes on.
If I turn the key a little more against the spring return the diesel-stop control is released and the glow plugs operate.
If I turn the key further the starter operates.
If you cannot get this to happen then you either have the wrong ignition switch or you have not wired it up correctly.
I'm fairly certain that by this time you have tried all the wiring connection combinations possible!
Therefore I think the switch is not the original type for your vehicle.
But you have another option.
Why not fit a glow plug timer like the post-Series diesel Land Rovers?
My late model S3 diesel has what I believe is a petrol ignition switch. The glows are operated by turning the key against the spring (the starter motor position in most cars). A button has been fitted to turn the starter.....rockets have these (apparently). :)

I would have liked to have had the correct diesel switch arrangement but I dislike electrics and would have a distrust of reliability of any new replacement ignition switch, Lucas or otherwise.
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