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Dumb joke...

Ever wonder why there is a fairy on top of the Christmas tree?
It all stems from on Christmas eve many years ago. Santa had had a really bad night, lots of blocked chimneys, presents delivered to wrong house so he had to go back to retrieve them, broken runner on the sled after a rough landing, peeing down with rain, foggy, lousy sherry, disgusting mince pies, even when there were sherry and pies. Rudolph was pissed and kept puking. Anyway when he gets back to the north pole, cold, wet and tired. Just after he has taken his coat and boots off, is making himself a nice cup of cocoa. The fairy appears and says, you know you haven't decorated your tree don't you?
To which Santa replies, I'll show you what you can do with the tree! Which is why the fairy is on top of the tree
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