Tales from the Garage - Today a Range Rover sport that just stopped in the road.
This Range Rover Sport was recovered too us after it ground too a halt on the road. It was clear there was no life in the battery so after it had been on charge a while we started it up and were welcomed with a dashboard full of warning lights.

The battery was not charging but we needed too find out why. A lot of new vehicles use smart charge systems and the alternators are ECU controlled so there could be many causes. Thankfully our diagnostic machine can access all the on board systems on the vehicle and the outlined fault code (P0625) seemed too be the most likely culprit.

After checking out the wiring, the alternator was deemed the problem and a new OEM unit was ordered. OEM means it is 'Original Equipment Manufacturer' so is exactly the same as one you would get from Land Rover but without the hefty price tag or Land Rover sticker.

Once fitted and a couple of drive cycles the Range Rover Sport was back on the road.
This Range Rover Sport was recovered too us after it ground too a halt on the road. It was clear there was no life in the battery so after it had been on charge a while we started it up and were welcomed with a dashboard full of warning lights.

The battery was not charging but we needed too find out why. A lot of new vehicles use smart charge systems and the alternators are ECU controlled so there could be many causes. Thankfully our diagnostic machine can access all the on board systems on the vehicle and the outlined fault code (P0625) seemed too be the most likely culprit.

After checking out the wiring, the alternator was deemed the problem and a new OEM unit was ordered. OEM means it is 'Original Equipment Manufacturer' so is exactly the same as one you would get from Land Rover but without the hefty price tag or Land Rover sticker.

Once fitted and a couple of drive cycles the Range Rover Sport was back on the road.