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Replacing A Series Diesel Starter Solenoid

Replacing A Series Diesel Starter Solenoid

Firstly remove the starter motor from the engine. (yes, it sounds easy…I know it isn't.)

Now, remove the cable (sometimes it's a copper strip) from the starter body to the solenoid.


Undo the two nuts holding the solenoid to the starter body.


Remove the solenoid body. This will leave the plunger behind…



Grasp the solenoid plunger and lift it to remove it from the top of the drive engagement lever.



Fitting a new solenoid is pretty much the reverse of the above, but use a new gasket and seals where supplied. Be careful not to overtighten the connections to the lead between the solenoid and the starter body, they are copper, and may break off. Torque the fitting nuts to 0,62 kgf (5.5lb.ft.)

And there you have it. :)
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